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Curiosity, Culture, and Craft: The Unscripted Journey of Dominik Krajný

Curiosity, Culture, and Craft: The Unscripted Journey of Dominik Krajný
Dominik Krajný Photo: Laura Beňová

Dominik Krajný is not someone who fits neatly into any box. Ask him about his work as a lawyer, model, or sustainability advocate, and you’ll find that his career path is less of a straight line and more of a winding, ever-evolving journey. "I’ve always been fascinated by too many things to stick to just one lane," he admits with a smile, reflecting on the choices that have led him from the courtroom to fashion runways and beyond.

This restless energy and curiosity are what define Dominik’s approach to life. Whether he’s in front of the camera for a magazine shoot or deeply immersed in legal advocacy for sustainable practices, he’s driven by a need to explore, learn, and adapt. "Each industry offers unique challenges and opportunities for growth," he says, "and I’m always eager to expand my knowledge and skills." It’s a sentiment that resonates in everything he does, from his eclectic career to his globe-trotting lifestyle.

For Dominik, the intersection of fashion and law isn’t as surprising as it might seem. Both require a sharp eye for detail, an understanding of human behavior, and an ability to navigate complex, shifting environments. "If I’m enjoying myself, I believe that energy translates into the photos," he says of his modeling work, hinting at how authenticity plays a role in all aspects of his life. It’s this ease and openness that make him such a compelling figure, whether on set for a shoot or in the middle of a sustainability discussion.

Dominik Krajný Photo: Laura Beňová

His love for exploration doesn’t stop at his professional life. Having visited nearly 60 countries, Dominik has cultivated a unique perspective on culture, sustainability, and the value of human connection. "I love picking up tips from locals about those hidden gems and unique practices that aren’t found back home," he explains. Whether it's learning new approaches to sustainability or embracing local customs, travel has become an integral part of his personal philosophy and work ethic.

One of his most memorable travel experiences took place in Brikama, Gambia, where Dominik met local artisans who lived with the uncertainty of whether they’d have enough food and water, yet still greeted him with warmth and generosity. "Their ability to find joy and share their warmth, even when life was tough, was both eye-opening and inspiring," he recalls. This moment of connection, far removed from the glossy covers of magazines or the polished legal world, reinforced for him what truly matters—humanity, resilience, and generosity.

Dominik Krajný Photo: Laura Beňová

Dominik’s preference for off-the-beaten-path destinations reflects his broader outlook on life: the less mainstream, the better. "There’s something exhilarating about exploring places where people ask, ‘What are you even doing here?’" he says, reveling in the raw authenticity of these experiences. They challenge him, push him out of his comfort zone, and offer a perspective that can’t be found in the usual tourist hotspots.

As much as his travels have opened his eyes, they’ve also brought him face-to-face with the challenges of sustainability. "In some countries, it’s common to see people tossing plastic bottles out of car windows," he notes, reflecting on the global disparities in environmental awareness. "But in other places, sustainability is ingrained in everyday life." It’s this awareness—this understanding that sustainability is not a one-size-fits-all solution—that informs his work as an advocate for the environment. His experiences around the world have made it clear that progress comes from collaboration, respect for local realities, and a willingness to share knowledge.

Dominik Krajný Photo: Laura Beňová

In his personal life, Dominik brings elements of his travels into his daily routine. He’s embraced the communal dining traditions he’s encountered abroad, turning meals into opportunities for connection rather than solitary experiences. "It turns mealtime into a more social and enjoyable experience," he says, though he laughs about how some friends still hold tight to their plates. The relaxed, spontaneous attitude he’s adopted from his travels has also seeped into how he approaches life, favoring openness and flexibility over rigid routines.

At the heart of everything he does is a powerful curiosity. "Curiosity keeps me eager to uncover new trends, learn from diverse perspectives, and find creative solutions," he says. It’s a trait that defines his approach to both his personal and professional life, making every day feel like an adventure waiting to be explored.

Dominik’s story is one of embracing complexity, resisting the urge to be boxed in, and letting curiosity lead the way. His journey—from sustainability advocate to model and global traveler—is proof that the most interesting paths are often the least predictable.

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