As a nation who loves to party, we Americans certainly enjoy a drink or two.
With sales of premium vodka sky rocketing all over the country, entrepreneurs all around the world are brainstorming to create a liqueur that will blow people’s minds.
This is exactly what CEO of 2XL Swagger Robert Tushinsky has done, by creating a premium vodka with a lustful twist. This creative idea has taken the spotlight all around the country, not just because of its aphrodisiac qualities, but also because of its delicious blend of natural herbs and organic extracts.
This unique idea is something never before seen in the industry, the premium vodka comes in two gender specific flavours, “Pink Kitty” for the ladies, with “Passion - Intensity - Desire” being the slogan, and “Easy Rhino” for the men, with “Vigor - Vitality - Thunder” being the slogan.
These Liqueurs are all about bringing couples together to have an amazing time, and as their website states: “When EasyRhino/PinkKitty is involved, the possibilities of seduction are endless.”

Robert’s father, Joseph - is an international businessman, who introduced Sony to the western world for the very first time in 1958. Joseph taught Robert the importance of building and valuing solid business relationships, how to familiarize himself with other cultures, and how to conduct business wholeheartedly and respectfully at all times. Values that make a great entrepreneur and businessman.
Joseph was the one who planted the seed of this success in his son’s mind, originally Joseph was crafting small batches of what he called “Fruitka” for his business associates and guests, who all loved it. But after years of hard work and dedication, Robert reconstructed his father’s original idea and built it into the successful empire that it is today, while also continuing his father’s legacy.
For investors around the world, 2XL Swagger Brands current crowdfunding campaign presents a fantastic opportunity to attain an interest in both the brands as the company continues to democratize its stakeholder offering so that investors are able to secure a part in what experts agree is going to be one of the few companies at the forefront of a large shift in consumer preference.